Woodbine has been featured on both television and podcasts, in large outlets including New York Magazine and The Wall Street Journal, and in local newspapers like the Ridgewood Times and Queens Ledger.
"Ridgewood Farm Share bake sale aims to raise funds for affordable community-supported agriculture" - Elijah Hamilton, QNS
""one day the truck just didn't come:" how cuts to early-pandemic boosts are impacting mutual aid networks" - Chrisaleen Ciro, The Knife Bloc
"Against the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, for the Successful Resistance of the Ukrainian People" - John Garvey, Insurgent Notes
"Why knowing your neighbors could save you in the next climate disaster" - Yvonne Marquez, The Guardian
"A Debate on the War in Ukraine" - Internationalist Perspective
"Free Stores Offer an Alternative to the Exploitative Capitalist Economy" - Ella Fassler, Truthout
"Group holds Free Store pop-up in Ridgewood" - Jessica Meditz, Queens Ledger
"Untimely Thoughts: Notes on Revolution and Ukraine" - andrew, LeftEast
"Ice Cream Window: ‘Different, but still the same’" - Stephanie Meditz, Queens Ledger
Building Power While the Lights Are Out: Disasters, Mutual Aid, and Dual Power - Jimmy Dunson, Rebel Hearts [book]
"Mutual Aid Groups That Arose During COVID Gather to Build Power Regionally" - Ella Fassler, Truthout
"DEVIRTUALIZER, NYC - MAY 2022 w/ The Codex Cru - Wrap Up" - Jak Ritger, Punctr Art
"Symbiosis Northeast Regional Gathering in NYC" - Brian Tokar, Institute for Social Ecology
"Carmona Helps Distribute Food In Ridgewood" - Queens Gazette
"Siguen las necesidades pero las despensas de alimentos tienen menos para repartir" - NY1 Noticias [video]
"Food Pantries Starved for Deliveries Following Sudden Supply Cuts in City Hall Program" - Yoav Gonen, The City
"Ridgewood food pantries limit operations as city funding gets cut" - Julia Moro, QNS
Heaven Is a Place on Earth: Searching for an American Utopia - Adrian Shirk, Counterpoint [book]
"Meet the anarchists feeding New York" - Andreas Petrossiants, AJ+
"Ridgewood’s appetite for (community) construction" - Michael Shain, Queens Chronicle
"Ridgewood-area food pantries call for continued city funding with new mayor set to take office" - Julia Moro, QNS
"Volunteer Opportunities in and Around Bushwick To Help Those in Need This Holiday Season" - Kylie Becker, Bushwick Daily
"The Art of Mutual Aid" - Andreas Petrossiants, e-flux
"Perish and Return: For Clark" - M.B., Ill Will
"A World Beyond Capitalism" - Molly Ragan, Public Seminar
"Woodbine: Volunteer-run Community Resource Hub" - Cooperative Journal [audio]
"COVID & Community with John Kane" - Forms [audio]
"Spirituality and Combat: A Conversation with Marcello Tarì" – e-flux
"Self-Organizing at Woodbine to Share Food and Seeds" - Zef Egan, Resilience Quarterly
"A Q&A with the mutual-aid group in Ridgewood providing its community with high-speed internet and essentials" - Ilana Novick, Brooklyn Based
"What’s the future for mutual aid in New York City?" - Annaliese Griffin & Ilana Novick, Brooklyn Based
"Bioinsecurity" - A.M. Gitlitz
"Self-organizing during COVID" - Platform Enterprise [audio]
"Tupac could have prevented this" - The Antifada [audio]
"Crazy Bitch Theory of History" - The Antifada [audio]
"Back in Black" - Pod Damn America [audio]
"Bakers Across the Country Are Using Their Breads and Pastries to Give Back to Their Communities—Here's How" - Bridget Shirvell, Martha Stewart
"Curating Ridgewood" - Max-Henry Moorhead, The Brooklyn Rail
"Жить сейчас: альтернатива повседневности" - ЭГАЛИТÉ
"Woodbine on facing disaster together" - e-flux [audio]
"Toward a New Local: Introducing a Pandemic Framework for Everyday Care" - Molly Ragan, Social Science Research Network
"110 Days" - John Raubach [video]
"Infrastructure for a Life in Common: An Interview with Woodbine" - It’s Going Down
"Radiation, Pandemic, Insurrection" - Sabu Kohso, The New Inquiry
"Ridgewood community hub moves to bigger location, launches fundraising efforts" - Angélica Acevedo, QNS
"Ridgewood service group fundraises to fight food insecurity at new location" - David Brand, Queens Daily Eagle
"‘QueensGiving’: Frontline Foods partners with Neir’s Tavern and local restaurants to deliver Thanksgiving meals" - Angélica Acevedo, QNS
"Community Well-Being: Feeding Brooklyn" - The Brian Lehrer Show [audio]
"The World of Yesterday" - Elvia Wilk, The Baffler
"Months into Pandemic, City’s Mutual Aid Networks Evolve to Meet New Need" - Jeanmarie Evelly, City Limits
"How Community Gardens Became Outlets of Innovation for Former Restaurant Workers" - Emma Orlow, Eater
"Building Community Autonomy and Resilience in the Face of COVID-19" - It’s Going Down [audio]
"Experimental hub ramps up mutual aid in Ridgewood" - Sara Krevoy, Queens Ledger
"Ridgewood justice organization provides food and info for the community" - David Brand, Queens Daily Eagle
"Culture Beside Itself, Newsletter Project" - Journal of Aesthetics and Protest #11
"Finding the Thread that Binds Us" - CrimethInc.
"Propaganda and Mutual Aid in the time of COVID-19" - Andreas Petrossiants, The Brooklyn Rail
"Mutual Aid in Queens Amidst COVID-19" - Sophie Jones, CounterPunch
"Stepping up for Those in Need" - Queens Gazette
"Against the End of the World" - Coffee with Comrades [audio]
"Queens senator encourages support for mutual aid efforts, food pantries during COVID-19 pandemic" - Bill Parry, QNS
"Gianaris Encourages Support for Mutual Aid Efforts, Food Pantries during Pandemic" - The National Herald
"We Take Care of Us" – with Chuck Mertz, Antidote Zine
"DIY disaster relief in NYC" - This is Hell [audio]
"Hungry Monk raising funds to continue feeding Queens’ most vulnerable communities" - Angélica Acevedo, QNS (and amNewYork)
"Solidarity and Collective Autonomy: An Interview with Woodbine" - Mute (and It’s Going Down)
"Woodbine’s Punk Community Organizer" - The V,OID [audio]
"These grassroots organizations are fighting food insecurity in Queens" - Angélica Acevedo, QNS (and amNewYork)
"Solidarité et collectifs autonomes : que signifie s’organiser politiquement à l’ère de Trump ?" - with Rouen dans la rue
"Woodbine offers Ridgewood community free food pantry and mutual aid resources" - Angélica Acevedo, QNS
"Ridgewood group brings community together in crisis" - Sara Krevoy, Queens Ledger
"Interview" - Survival School Podcast [audio]
"Mutual Aid and Dual Power in Catastrophe" - act.tv [video]
"We Talked With A Doctor About Coronavirus, The State’s Response & Building Mutual Aid" - It’s Going Down [audio]
"Post-Mortem" - Cometbus #59
"Interview” - with John Garvey, Hard Crackers
"Unique Community Group in Ridgewood Offers Experimental Social Gatherings and Events" - Evan Nicole Brown, Bushwick Daily
"A Collective Hub in Ridgewood Wants to Realign Your Gaze Away From the Abyss" - Cecilia Nowell, Bedford and Bowery
Being Numerous: Essays on Non-Fascist Life - Natasha Lennard, Verso [book]
"The Ultimate Dilemma: An interview with Ben Morea" - Ill Will
"Bookstores in the Boroughs: Four Spots to Shop Instead of Amazon" - James Davis, Washington Square Review
"Ridgewood group hosts 'Here's the Drill' workshops" - Austin Havens-Bowen, Queens Ledger
"An Experimental Hub Against the End of the World" - Solecast [audio]
"Opposition to Amazon HQ2 grows at Ridgewood community space" - Mark Hallum, QNS
"Woodbine in Ridgewood holding fundraiser to finance its educational and cultural programs" - Mark Hallum, QNS
"Cats, Communism & Community" - The Antifada [audio]
"Cinema Space as Social Club" - Amanda Katz, Third Cinema
"Anthem of the Sun" - Olivia Rosane, Real Life
"Health Autonomy" - Woodbine Collective, We Interrupt This Program [video]
Fight Like Hell for the Living: A Health Autonomy Reader [zine, .pdf]
"Understanding Wellness Culture with a Revolutionary Context" - Health Autonomy [audio]
"Roots, Runners, Rhizomes: Woodbine Collective" - Sarah Falkner and Lauren Giambrone, Wave Farm [audio]
""Living Communism, Spreading Anarchy": Call for collaboration with OpenCare Festival" - Woodbine Health Autonomy Group, EdgeRyders
"Grover Cleveland students utilize community garden" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"Community garden near Grover Cleveland HS in Ridgewood set to open to public" - Anthony Giudice, Ridgewood Times
"Sign up to get fresh produce delivered straight from the farm through Ridgewood-based CSA" - Anthony Giudice, Ridgewood Times
"Towards Health Autonomy" - with Em Marshall, Mask
"Ridgewood remembers late community activist" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"The Radical Ghost We Need to Fight Fascism" - Natasha Lennard, The Nation
"Community garden has new home at Grover Cleveland" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"Volunteers Try to Raise Funds for Community Garden in Ridgewood" - NY1 [video]
"Ridgewood community garden group starts GoFundMe" - Ridgewood Blog
"Ridgewood Community Garden invites the community to their Saturday work days" - Cristin Noonan, Ridgewood Times
"Ridgewood community garden finds new home" - Ridgewood Blog
"Ridgewood community garden group reveals prospective locations" - Ridgewood Blog
"Ridgewood Residents Hunt for Garden Space After Eviction" - Tanya Klich, NY1 [video]
"Community garden seeks new roots in Ridgewood" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"After MTA ousted them, Ridgewood Community Garden group continues the search for green space" - Anthony Giudice, Ridgewood Times
"Ridgewood Dems Commemorate Earth Day At Mtg." - Queens Gazette
Strike Art: Contemporary Art and the Post-Occupy Condition - Yates McKee, Verso [book]
"The Used Bookstore Will Be the Last One Standing" - Drew Nelles, The Awl
"New Video Calls for Autonomous Resistance to Crisis Capitalism" - Tyler Reinhard, Mask [video]
"Ridgewood Is Happy Like It Is" - Lana Bortolot, The Wall Street Journal
"The Metropolitan Topiary Authority" - Brendan O'Connor, The Awl
"Ridgewood garden gone, but residents remain hopeful" - Gabriel Rom, Times Ledger
"Ridgewood gardeners say goodbye to plot" - Christopher Barca, Queens Chronicle
"Ridgewood residents bid farewell to community garden under tracks" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"Neighborhood mourns loss of community garden" - Patrick Kearns, The Glendale Register
Short Circuit: A Counterlogistics Reader - No New Ideas Press [book, .pdf]
"Ridgewood Community Garden to Be Evicted Aug. 3rd" - Franco Fino, Queens Tribune
"Group fights to reopen Ridgewood Garden" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"Volunteer cleanups" - Editorial, Queens Chronicle
"MTA tells garden group to get out" - Christopher Barca, Queens Chronicle
"Volunteers still locked out of Ridgewood community garden" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"MTA Locks Up Community Garden, Citing Ownership, Safety Issues" - NBC New York [video]
"MTA Determined To Rip Out A Ridgewood Community Garden" - Lauren Evans, Gothamist
"MTA Kicking Gardeners out of Ridgewood Community Greenspace" - Ewa Kern-Jedrychowska, DNAinfo
"Walczymy o zieleń na Ridgewood" - Nowy Dziennik
"Ridgewood Residents Say MTA Uprooting Their Community Garden" - Leisha Majtan, NY1 [video]
"Local group fights to preserve Ridgewood garden" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Queens Courier
"A garden grows in Ridgewood" - Francesca Campione, Queens Ledger
"Ridgewood tenants gather for second meeting" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"Housing and education issues highlight latest Ridgewood open forum" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"Ridgewood Farm Share bringing fresh organic produce to neighborhood" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"When Did the End Begin?" - Robert Sullivan, New York
"Ridgewood residents tackle housing, other matters at forum" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"Residents discuss a changing Ridgewood" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"Group aims to give voice to Ridgewood tenants" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"Group wants residents to shape Ridgewood’s future" - Ridgewood Blog
"New civic association brings Ridgewood tenants together" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"Panel Discussion Eyes The Ongoing Evolution Of Ridgewood" - Kelly Marie Mancuso, Ridgewood Times
"Ridgewood residents take charge of change" - Patrick Kearns, Queens Ledger
"Ridgewood community talks preservation, discovery and redefinition" - Salvatore Licata, Queens Courier
"Co dalej z Ridgewood? Nie chcemy Quooklynu!" - Nowy Dziennik
"Panel Discussion About Ridgewood Set For Feb." - Luis Gronda, Queens Tribune
"Ridgewood community members will hold panel to talk about its future" - Salvatore Licata, Queens Courier
"February Forum On Ridgewood’s Future" - Robert Pozarycki, Ridgewood Times
"In the Rockaways, pipeline debate takes a contentious turn" - Peter Moskowitz, Al Jazeera America
"Art after Occupy — climate justice, BDS and beyond" - Yates McKee, Waging Nonviolence
"Ride Your Bike From LES to Rockaway to Protest Pipeline, Ride the Ferry Before It’s Gone" - Daniel Hoffman, Bedford and Bowery
"Protesters Shut Down Construction of a Fracked Gas Pipeline in New York City" - Nick Pinto, Vice
"Heidegger and Geology" - McKenzie Wark, Public Seminar
"Rockaway Pipeline Gets the Go-Ahead" - Katie McFadden, The Wave
"A Massive Rockaway Gas Pipeline Is Being Built Right Under Our Beaches" - Nick Pinto, Gothamist